Feng Shui Consultation Visits

There are various options of Feng Shui Consultations available and the details of the level of package will be discussed and agreed, prior to your appointment.

The package you choose should equate to the size and type of the property; whether it’s an Apartment/Flat or Bungalow (one floor) or Semi/Detached property (two floors), and whether this is involves; living accommodation, workplace, garage, out-buildings, garden, or a combination of more than one building or floor.

There are 4 x estimated packages available;

To facilitate a thorough and precise consultation; a ground ‘floor plan’ should be provided, no less than 2 weeks in advance of the arranged visit date, together with the dates of birth for each of the household’s occupants.

Each consultation visit will consist of the appropriate Feng Shui starter kit (according to the level of package), comprising of the main items necessary for adjustments.

Please contact me for more information! ☯

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